Showing posts with label Like List. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Like List. Show all posts

Things I Like

1. Funny advice on how to survive in a male-dominated workplace from Tina Fey's Bossypants
No pigtails, no tube tops. Cry sparingly. (Some people say "Never let them see you cry." I say, if you're so mad you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone.) When choosing sexual partners, remember: Talent is not sexually transmittable. Also, don't eat diet foods in meetings.
2. Lunches with smart, funny, inspiring women:

3. New Zealand writer Charlotte Grimshaw 's pot boilers, which are maddeningly hard to find. Great for beach reading, or any other time really.

4. Tacos.

5. The idea that I might be at SXSW moderating a panel about content strategy with a bunch of really clever people. (Pssst, vote for my proposal here).

6. Adele .

7. Yesterday at Live at Squamish we got to see an amazing performance by the John Butler Trio . I love going into a gig with no expectations and being blown away by something surprising. Also, Girl Talk totally rocked the house.

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