Reason Number 657 for Moving to London

I am seriously thinking of relocating permanently to London once the lease in my current flat expires in July. Although there are some nice things about Cardiff, there is also this.

Really. I don't need to say anything else do I?

Click on the link above to see more candid photos of Cardiff, glorious Cardiff.

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Lovely Birds

powerlinerflyers from wes johnson on Vimeo.

via Kottke

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Hannah, Emma and Me

From a night out about a month ago. Lady friends are good. The thing I am looking most forward to about being in Canada: time with family and lady friends. Swoon!

I've been in London all weekend and am here next week as well. It's been hectic but fun. On Friday night Dan and I went to a concert by Frankmusic at the original Barfly in Camden. Though dance music isn't my number one favourite genre, it was really good. He's got a pretty amazing voice. Well worth checking out.


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Berlin Photos are Up

F-thing, Ferris Wheel, originally uploaded by oladybug0.

I know it's taken me months to post these. But now they're up!

To see them all visit the Flickr stream here:


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