About Me

In 2008 I moved from the Canadian prairies to the UK where I lived, mostly in London, until the spring of 2010. Then I spent a year traveling around the word, visiting places like Laos, Japan and Australia. While traveling, I founded Contentini, a boutique content strategy and web consultancy agency with my husband Dan.

Now I live in San Francisco and work as a Content Strategist for Facebook, which is absolutely as cool as it sounds.

I love language, photography, art, cooking, travel and mid-century antiques. I also enjoy a good dance party every now and then.
You can find me on my other blog, EphermeralistTwitter, Flickr, FacebookPinterest, Delicious and on LinkedIn.  I can be reached by email at hello[AT]amythibodeau.com.

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Anonymous said...


I found this picture on Google: and have used it on my blog: This particular blog is about Syria and unfortunately I lost my memory cards after being there. The blog is only read by my mum and one or two other sad individuals, however if you'd like me to remove it, I have no objections to doing so and will take down your picture immediately.

Thank You

Benjamin Dowling

ARZ Escritos Obras Architecture said...

Hi, Ami, I am from Puerto Vallarta. I like your article "Declination of Casa Kimberley", right now trying to rescue Casa Kimberley as registered Mexican Historial Patrimony.. You saw rthe ruins... Did you get old photos of Interior Bulding? have a nice day
Antonio Ramos
writer and anchitectural restoration