Sing a Travelling Song

Some of you may have guessed that something like this was coming, especially since I posted an advertisement to fill my current job earlier today ... Big news indeed... Dan and I have decided to leave the UK to spend a year traveling around the world. We've been talking about it for awhile and during a lot of that talking, I was pretty convinced that it was just that, talking. But then we bought plane tickets, and have started selling off our belongings, and have given notice at our flat and ... well, it is really happening, and soon.

We fly out of London on May 1st and we've got a series of flights that takes us right around the globe and back into London mid-April 2011. Our intention is to spend a number of weeks - in some cases months - in our various locations and during our North American stint, we'll mostly be house-sitting/staying with lovely, generous friends.. We don't want fleeting, stressful experiences of wonderful places - we're going to spend some time, get to know the flavour of things. We're also going to be doing some freelance work while traveling, details TBA. So if you need anything brilliant done and want to talk, please get in touch.

In the meantime, here's a little map to show you (somewhat inaccurately) many of the places we'll be touching down - you should be able to click on the image to for more detail. If anyone has any suggestions of places you think we absolutely need to fit into our journey - particularly in South East Asia - please do let us know.

Good night beautiful people.

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Miranda said...

Oh my. I am so incredibly jealous. What an amazing year you are going to have! We can definitely talk Southeast Asia. I'll send you an email soon with some info. You must go to Lao and Cambodia!

Lloyd England said...

Ooo! What a wonderful trip and experience for the both of you!

Not quite South East Asia... but Kathmandu in Nepal is a great place to visit; amazing city with the himilayas all around.

Anyways! It sounds great and I'm sure, just like me, many of us are envious of such an adventure! You gonna be keeping an online journal of the year? with plenty of pics? :)

Amy said...

@Miranda - Thanks lady! Also, if you get the itch and want to meet up somewhere in this vast world of ours, let me know. Would love to go to Lao and Cambodia - looking forward to hearing where you specifically recommend. x

@Lloyd - Thanks so much! It's amazing and a little bit scary and I'm so glad we've decided to do it. I have always been really fascinated by Nepal and would love to go there. I'll add Kathmandu to the list.

And yes, there will be an online journal and, much to Dan's dismay, there will be lots of photos and videos. I like to document everything!

Elan Morgan said...

Holy crapoli! That's faaaaantastic.

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's Andy Hope, I am quittng my job tomorrow so I can travel the world with my girlfriend for a year. Are you copying me or am I copying you? Please let me know..

Amy said...

Andy, that's amazing - congratulations!! Do you guys have an itinerary yet?

I don't know who is copying who but they say great minds think alike... :)